Thursday, December 27, 2007

my prayer for you

Dear you,

Seven days before 2007 ends, I made a Christmas prayer for you.

That you will have a good start to 2008.
That you will be able to sleep well.
That good memories will wipe out the bad ones that plague you.
That you'll walk out of the shadow of your own past and have enough of living with fear.
That you will cherish what you have now before regret hits you to your core.
That you will find reconciliation when the time comes.

Most of all, that the hope of God will live strong in your heart.
And you will realise that it's not about you and what you've done, but about the saving grace of God.

And to you,

When you finally know the truth one day, it will have ceased to matter anymore. :)
And in a way, that's kinda a nice thought.

Finally, dear You,

For holding out and withholding Your hand at the right times.
For bringing some people closer to me, and holding back others.
For teaching me about love and selfishness.
For reconciliation and a second chance everytime.
For fanning my hope.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


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