Laine will remember this ... haha.
Our frens who pop by at night always can tell that I've just showered.
Like my bro says, the scent "lingers...."
Yes, he's been won over too.
For some reason, it's seasonal, and hence not always available.
So when I saw it at Guardian, I grabbed 2 big bottles!
Only because I had no free hands to carry more. :P
It's 946ml each, so it should last my family and me awhile.
Plus, a little of it goes a long way too. :)
It makes me want to take more showers ... Haha.
Hey! Thats my favorite too! I have a whole carton of it in Singapore. Its what I'm using here in Saudi Arabia as well.
Gosh! it's such a comfort smell isn't it?! :)
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